Scientific Publications

ROHO GROUP researchers publish the results of their studies across various scientific journals to contribute to the growing knowledge on zoonoses, food safety, and food security. Below are key publications from the ROHO team's research:

  • Non-typhoidal Salmonella among slaughterhouse workers and in the pork value chain in selected districts of Uganda.

    Kivali, V., Roesel, K., Dohoo, I., Alinaitwe, L., Bugeza, J. K., Hoona, J. J., Mugizi, D. R., Kankya, C., Dang-Xuan, S., Szabo, I., Rösler, U., Friese, A., & Cook, E. A. J. (2024). Frontiers in Veterinary Science, 11, 1427773.

  • Epidemiology of human and animal leptospirosis in Kenya: A systematic review and meta-analysis of disease occurrence, serogroup diversity and risk factors.

    Wainaina M, Wasonga J, Cook EAJ. (2024) PLOS NTDs

  • Cross-sectional serosurvey of Leptospira species among slaughter pigs, goats, and sheep in Uganda.

    Alinaitwe L, Aturinda C.J.,Lubega A,Kivali V,Bugeza J, Wainaina M, Ritcher M.H., Hoona J.J., Roesel K, Mayer-Scholl A., Cook EAJ. , Kankya C , DĂĽrr S. (2024) PLOS NTDs

  • Sero-prevalence and factors associated with anti-Brucella antibodies in slaughter livestock in Uganda.

    Bugeza J., Roesel K., Moriyon I., Mugizi D., Alinaitwe L., Kivali V., Kankya C., & Cook E. A. J. (2023). . Frontiers in Epidemiology, 3, 1213592.

  • Epidemiology of porcine cysticercosis in Eastern and Southern Africa: Systematic Review and Meta-analysis.

    Zemedhun YG, Habtemariam TE, Wubie NK, Yizengaw HA, Fèvre EM, Cook EAJ. (2022) Frontiers in Public Health

  • A cattle graph genome incorporating global breed diversity.

    Talenti A, Powell J, Hemmink JD, Cook EAJ, Wragg D, Jayaraman S, et al. (2021). Nature Communications.

  • Molecular characterization of Porcine Reproductive and Respiratory Syndrome Virus (PRRSv) isolated from slaughtered pigs in Northern Uganda.

    Oba P, Dione MM, Erume J, Wieland B, Mutisya C, Ochieng L, Cook EAJ, Mwiine FN. (2021). BMC Veterinary Research .

  • A locus conferring tolerance to Theileria infection in African cattle.

    Wragg D, Cook EAJ, Latré de Laté P, Sitt T, Hemmink J, Chepkwony M, Njeru R, et al. (2021). Preprint.

  • Inherited tolerance in cattle to the Apicomplexan Protozoan Theileria parva is associated with decreased proliferation of parasite-infected lymphocytes.

    Latre de Late P, Cook EAJ, Wragg D, Poole EJ, Ndambuki G, Miyunga AA, Chepkwony MC, Mwaura S, Ndiwa N, Prettejohn G, Sitt T, Van Aardt R, Morrison WI, Prendergast J, Toye P. (2021). Frontiers in Cellular and Infection Microbiology. 11:751671.

  • Clinical evaluation of Corridor Disease in Bos indicus (Boran) cattle naturally infected with buffalo-derived Theileria parva.

    Cook EAJ, Sitt T, Poole EJ, Ndambuki G, Mwaura S, Chepkwony MC, Latre de Late P, Miyunga AA, van Aardt R, Prettejohn G, Wragg D, Prendergast JGD, Morrison WI, Toye P. (2021). Frontiers in Veterinary Science. 8:731238.

  • Prevalence and risk factors for exposure to Toxoplasma gondii in slaughterhouse workers in western Kenya.

    Cook EAJ, Gitahi N, de Glanville WA, et al. (2021). BMC Infectious Diseases. 21:944.

  • Evidence of exposure to Coxiella burnetii among slaughterhouse workers in western Kenya.

    Cook EAJ, de Glanville WA, Thomas LF, Kiyong'a A, Kivali V, Kariuki S, Bronsvoort BMC, Fèvre EM. (2021). One Health. 13:100305.

  • Molecular epidemiology of Brucella species in mixed livestock-human ecosystems in Kenya.

    Akoko JM, Pelle R, Lukambagire AS, Machuka EM, Nthiwa D, Mathew C, Fèvre EM, Bett B, Cook EAJ, Othero D, Bonfoh B, Kazwala RR, Shirima G, Schelling E, Halliday JEB, Ouma C. (2021). Scientific Reports. 11(1):8881.

  • Middle East Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus (MERS-CoV) seropositive camel handlers in Kenya.

    Kiyong'a AN, Cook EAJ, Okba NMA, Kivali V, Reusken C, Haagmans BL, Fèvre EM. (2020). Viruses. 12(4):396.